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尊重每一口珈琲,喜愛了解珈琲歴史及藥理,四處走走細味珈琲種種有趣事情。珈琲人的第一杯是在中學時代,時代轉變,由即溶到expresso, 轉到虹吸,再到手沖。不經覺已走過三十多個寒暑。珈琲故事,已經超越了珈琲種植帶及海拔的框框,散落世界各處土地。




珈琲人 從事建築管理及科技專業,工餘時間忙著各樣纏繞一生的多樣嗜好,細味珈琲、烹調美食、慢音響、遊世界⋯說到最後,還是要專心去做好每一件事。


Respect every sip of coffee, enjoy learning about the history and pharmacology of coffee, and wander around to savor all the interesting things about coffee. “Kohi-Hito” had his first cup during their high school days. As times changed, he went from instant coffee to espresso, then to siphon, and finally to pour-over. Unknowingly, over 3 decades of winters and summers have passed. The story of coffee has transcended the confines of coffee growing belts and altitudes, spreading across lands around the world.

“Kohi-Hito” essays are a boundless sharing of coffee culture, featuring local and international specialty coffees and single-origin coffees, stories of coffee cherries or green coffee beans, roasting and aging, tasting and pairing. It might be eclectic, connecting coffee and appreciating the artistic ambiance of the coffee lifestyle.

“Kohi-Hito”  works in Construction and Technology management, busy with various hobbies that will entangle his lives, savoring coffee, cooking delicious food, enjoying slow audio, traveling the world...In the end, you still have to focus on doing everything well.

Coffee Beans

The Roasting Story

Welcome my coffee roasting website, where I celebrate the art of coffee-making. At 珈琲人 we believe that every cup of coffee should be a unique unforgettable experience. From the sourcing of the beans to the brewing process, I take pride in every step of the journey. Join me on this delicious adventure and discover the true essence of coffee.

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